Application of Mathematics Software Package "Mathematica" in Integral Transformation Teaching 数学软件包Mathematica在积分变换教学中的应用
The integral transformation of the dynamic response of isotropic saturated soil under moving load 移动荷载下各向同性饱和土动力响应积分变换
Solution of shear connector's embedded length in steel column base by dual function integral transformation method 钢柱脚抗剪键埋深的对偶函数积分变换解法
It is given a evaluation formula for a class of infinite integrals by applying Parametric Variable integral transformation. 应用含参变量积分变换的方法,给出了一类无穷积分的求值公式。
The practical teaching approach for Complex Variable Function and Integral Transformation is discussed, and prominent problems concerned with the teaching contents of the course are analyzed. 讨论了如何在复变函数与积分变换课程中引入实践教学的方法,分析指出了目前工科专业复变函数与积分变换课程的教学内容存在的突出问题。
Using proper decomposition of the functions and integral transformation, the problem is reduced to a singular integral equation, whose solution is given of the theory of integral equation. 笔者通过适当的函数分解和积分变换,将寻求复应力函数的问题转化为求解一正则型奇异积分方程,并借助积分方程理论给出了方程的求解方法。
A method based on integral transformation and Perturbation-Boundary integral equation for solving transient dynamics of Hencky materials 用摄动展开、积分变换与边界积分方程相结合的方法求解普遍瞬态弹塑性动力学的初值&边值问题
Property of Jacobi Matrix and Theorem of Geometric Integral Transformation Jacobi矩阵的性质与几何体上积分变换定理
By means of the Darboux transformation and an integral transformation, two classes of solvable double-well potential models are obtained for the Fokker-Planck equation. 采用Darboux变换和一个积分变换,获得了两类双阱势Fokker-Planck方程准确解模型。
The initial value problem is treated by using the Fourier integral transformation. 利用Fourier积分变换求解了扭转波的初值问题。
By means of transfer matrix and integral transformation, the solution for solving axisymmetrical problems in multilayered viscoelastic half space is derived, F. 利用积分变换和传递矩阵的方法推导了多层粘弹半空间轴对称问题的理论解,引入F。
Focal point in this paper is integral transformation and integral function design for original waveform. 重点阐述在进行相关对比前,对原始波形的积分变换以及积分函数的设计方法。
In this paper, the inverse problems of one-dimensional classic scattering and bound dynamical problems are studied. Furthermore, their ordinary solutions are obtained by integral transformation. 研究了一维经典力学中束缚问题和散射问题的逆问题,并用积分变换的方法给出了这两类逆问题的一般解。
Application of Fourier Integral Operator in Hyperbolic System The differential equations are solved by means of Fourier integral transformation. 富利叶积分算子在双曲方程组中的应用通过富氏积分变换、引进算子,并利用算子的周期性,得到系统的频率方程。
The heat conductive equations of coat and substrate materials under laser beam radiations are solved using the method of integral transformation, and the 3D temporal distribution of temperature is given under the some approximations. 本文采用积分变换法求解了在激光束辐照下涂层和基体材料中的热传导方程,并在一定的近似条件下,给出了温度场的三维、瞬时分布。
Only the spectral analysis of some particular non orthogonal functions can be realized by integral transformation. 仅有某些特殊的非正交函数可以通过积分变换实现谱分解。
Based on the theory of Kirchhoff infinite thin slab on Winkler foundation, the analytical solutions of the slab's deflection and stress under moving load were investigated by triangular series and integral transformation methods. 该方法基于Winkler地基上无限长的Kirchhoff薄板理论,运用积分变换和三角函数级数展开法求解,分别得到了结构在运动荷载作用下的变形和应力的解析解。
A new direct analytical approach is proposed in this paper to Abel integral transformation, thus the singular point of integral is avoided, and computation process is simplified. Abel积分存在积分奇点的问题,根据这一问题讨论了解决奇异积分的几种不同的积分方法,并提出了一种直接求Abel积分变换的解析解。
In the calculation of the DGF, it is simplified by using the integral transformation and replacing the multi-infinite summation with a single one. 在具体计算中,由于应用积分变换以及将多重无穷求和化为单一无穷和,极大地简化了计算,节省了计算时间。
By means of Fourier integral transformation of generalized function, the fundamental solution for the bending problem of plates on two-parameter foundation is derived in this paper, and the fundamental solution is expanded into a uniformly convergent series. 本文应用广义函数的Fourrier积分变换导出了双参数地基上板弯曲问题的基本解,并将基本解展成一致收敛的级数形式。
Basing on Biot's dynamic consolidation equations, the using method of integral transformation and matrix transformation, the two-dimensional consolidation of multiplayer subsoils was studied. 为了研究动力作用下饱和地基的动力固结问题,根据Biot平面动力固结方程,运用积分变换和矩阵传递的方法,建立了周期荷载作用下单层和多层地基的二维Biot动力固结的函数表达式。
It is calculated, in this paper, by means of combing Laplace's integral transformation and singular function. 将拉普拉斯积分变换方法和奇异函数相结合,可以简单方便地计算连续梁的弯曲变形。
On the Singular Point of Abel Integral Transformation in GPS/ LEO Occultation Technique GPS/LEO掩星技术中Abel积分变换的奇点问题
This kind of ecological thinking has unique features of the time and philosophical implication of integral transformation. It represents man's new scientific introspection of the relationship, in his new practice, between human existence and the external world. 这种生态思维方式富有独特的时代特征和哲学的整体转换意蕴,代表了人类在新的实践水平上对自身生存与外部世界关系的一种新的科学内省。
And then by coordinate transformation method and two kinds of integral transformations: Fourier Integral Transformation and Hankel Integral Transformation ( suitable for Bessel function), the differential equation is solved and the analytic solution is obtained. 通过坐标变换和两个积分变换:Fourier变换和适用于圆柱函数(Bessel函数)的Hankel变换,求出了此条件下扩散方程的解析解。
The Smoothing Integral Transformation Method for Global Optimization ⅰ Basic Idea and Framework of the Theory 全局最优化的平滑积分变换方法Ⅰ基本思想和理论框架
After the boundary problem being reduced into dual integral equations by employing Cosine Integral Transformation, the solution of closed form is obtained and the intensity factors of both mechanics and electric are formulated. 用余弦积分变换将边值问题化为对偶积分方程,得到了封闭形式解,计算了裂纹尖端强度因子。
With the aid of the integral transformation, solutions extension, torsion and bend not only are obtained but also local solutions of boundary effects. 借助于积分变换,得到了拉伸、扭转和弯曲等问题的解以及有边界局部效应的解。
A two-phase Stefan problem of variable coefficient parabolic equations is discussed, then it is transformed into an integral equation by using suitable integral transformation and the existence and unique theorem of the solution are proved by applying Schauder fixed point theorem. 研究了一类变系数抛物型方程两相Stefan问题,通过对方程作适当的积分变换将其化为积分方程.再利用Schauder不动点定理证明了方程解的存在性和唯一性定理。
Nonholonomic constraint is refers to the constraints on the system velocity can not transform into constraints on the space through integral transformation, and the system including Nonholonomic constraints is called Nonholonomic system. 非完整约束是指同时限制受控对象的空间位置和运动速度,但运动速度上的约束不能通过积分转化为空间位置上的约束,含有非完整约束的系统称为非完整系统。